We believe people, who have a serious mental illness, can recover. Thus, our services are hope-filled, recovery-oriented, and designed to help those with a mental illness reach their goals and dreams and live meaningful lives in our communities.
Case Managment
Case Management services are available to any individual seeking services with the agency to provide continuity with health and social services. These services are individualized according to need and are provided in areas related to medication, psychiatric/medical, financial, and coordination/support with community providers and resources.
Community Day Services
Community Day Services are available to individuals 18 years or older who have a developmental disability which includes a diagnosis of intellectual disability, autism, cerebral palsy, and/or epilepsy. Program services provide adults with developmental disabilities with an array of daily, structured activities to promote and develop such skills as motor and sensory development, toileting, eating, grooming, expressive and receptive language development, survival skills training, money management, independent living skills, and social/recreational activities; included but not limited to classes in self-esteem building, basic academics, and human sexuality.
​Community Support – Individual (CSI), Group (CSG), and Residential (CSR)
Community Support – Individual services are person-centered mental health rehabilitation services and support for children, adolescents, families, and adults necessary to assist clients in achieving and maintaining wellness and rehabilitative, resiliency, and recovery goals. The service consists of therapeutic interventions that facilitate illness self-management, skill-building, identification and use of natural supports, and use of community resources.
Sheltered Workshop
Sheltered Workshop services provide individuals with disabled conditions with employment opportunities consistent with his/her physical and mental capabilities and supportive services designed to promote employment capacities. The supervised work environment provides occupational experiences similar to those found in competitive work settings, training on work skills to assist individuals in increasing their productive potential, and structure to assist in developing good working habits and attitudes.
Home and Community Based Support
HCBS services are awarded to children and adults who have been diagnosed with a Intellectual Developmental Disability through an Illinois Medicaid Waiver program, after they have been selected from the PUNS list. The funds can be used for Developmental Training, Service Facilitation, and Personal Support Workers, who are chosen by the individual to assist at home or in the community to work on their own individual goals. MHCWI provides Service Facilitation, which includes, but is not limited to writing the Individual Service Plans, monitoring the implementation of the plan, and providing assistance with special funding requests through this waiver.
Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient treatment services are available to individuals over the age of five who are experiencing psychological, emotional, and/or social difficulties and impaired functioning in handling life’s challenges. Individual, family, or group counseling sessions provide a supportive environment to manage life’s challenges. Treatment interventions include the use of evidence-based practices.
Psychiatric Services
Psychiatric services are provided to those diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder to evaluate psychiatric symptoms and monitor prescribed psychotropic medications. Psychiatric services are provided weekly by a licensed psychiatrist employed by the agency.
Community Housing
Community Housing services are available to individuals 18 years of age or older diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder who require a supervised or supported living environment for community residency. Program services are person-centered and focus on improving functioning, increasing independent living skills, and other supportive measures according to each individual’s unique needs.
The Community Housing Program consists of five residential facilities, with individual apartments, each of which may be furnished depending upon the availability of funding: Sterling Apartments, Country Lane Apartments, Harvest House, Curry Lane Apartments, and Randolph Lane Apartments.
Early Intervention and Crisis Evaluation
Early Intervention is for an individual or group, where education services are provided to educated individuals who are at risk for developing alcohol or substance abuse problems.
Crisis Intervention Services are provided immediately upon contact to individuals experiencing a major life crisis and/or a rapid decrease in functioning. Individuals are evaluated by clinical staff to determine whether a crisis can be deflected or if a referral for psychiatric hospitalization is required. Call your local location for evaluation and treatment services.
Brown County Hancock County Pike County
(217) 773-3325 (217) 357-3176 (217) 285-4436
After-Hours Crisis Line
Brown County Hancock County Pike County
(217) 773-3977 (217) 357-3176 (217) 285-6111
For individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing please contact us through
the ILLINOIS RELAY CENTER by dialing 7-1-1 followed by your preferred locations phone number or by emailing
us at
(If you email us, someone will get back to you within 24-48 hours.)
Illinois RELAY Center Recourses
CARES Line Information
Illinois WARM Line
Wellness Support Specialists are professionals who have experienced mental health and/or substance use recovery in their own lives. They are trained in recovery support, mentoring, and advocacy and are ready to listen and support you. The Warm Line is not a crisis hotline but is a source of support as you recover or help a family member to recover.
Hours of Operation: Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. except for holidays: (866) 359-7953 (Voice) (866) 880-4459 (TTY)
Nationwide Crisis Text Line
Text 741741 Anytime. Anywhere (24/7). Anonymously. Nationwide.